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  • Verguts, T. (2022). Introduction to modeling cognitive processes. MIT Press GitHub
MCP book cover

Recent preprints

  • Desender, K., & Verguts, T. (2024). Decision confidence and outcome variability optimally regulate separate aspects of decision making. BioArxiv.

  • Cogliati Dezza, I., Molinaro, G., & Verguts, T. (2024). When cognition overshadows affect, maladaptive information seeking arises. PsychArxiv.

  • Chen, H., Hauspie, C., Ergo, K., Calderon, C. B., & Verguts, T. (2023). Prediction error as the basis of the testing effect: Empirical and Modelling Evidence. PsyArxiv.

  • Dewaelle, H., Verguts, T., & Lesage, E. (2024). Validation of the Dutch version of the Creatures of Habit Scale (COHS): a self-report measure of the tendency for habitual behavior in daily life. PsyArxiv.

Recent publications


  • Le Denmat, P, Verguts, T., & Desender, K. (2024). A low-dimensional approximation of optimal confidence. PLoS: Computational Biology. BioArxiv version.

  • Vasta, N., Xu, S., Verguts, T., & Braem, S. (2024). A shared temporal window across cognitive control and reinforcement learning paradigms: A correlational study. Memory & Cognition.

  • Verbeke, P., & Verguts, T. (2024). Humans adaptively select different computational strategies in different learning environments. Psychological Review. BioArxiv version.

  • Simoens, J., Verguts, T., & Braem, S. (2024). Learning environment-specific learning rates. PLoS: Computational Biology. PsyArxiv version.

  • Verbeke, P., & Verguts, T. (2024). Reinforcement learning and meta-decision making. Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences. PsyArxiv version.

  • Van Marcke, H., Le Denmat, P., Verguts, T., & Desender, K. (2024). Manipulating prior beliefs causally induces under- and overconfidence. Psychological Science. BioRxiv version.


  • Huo, H., et al. (2023). The neural substrats of how model-based learning affects risk-taking: functional coupling between right cerebellum and left caudate. Brain & Cognition.

  • Xu, S., Simoens, J., Verguts, T., & Braem, S. (2023). Learning where to be flexible: Using environmental cues to regulate cognitive control. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General. PsyArxiv version.

  • Beeckmans, M., Huycke, P., Verguts, T., & Verbeke, P. (2023). How much data do we need to estimate computational models of decision making? The COMPASS toolbox. Behavior Research Methods PsyArxiv version.

  • Turkakin, E., Verguts, T., Desender, K., & Lesage, E. (2023). Should I Sample or Should I Go? An approximately optimal model for deciding when to stop sampling information. PsyArxiv.


  • Lesage, E., & Verguts, T. (2022). Contextual overtraining accelerates habit formation in new stimuli. PsyArXiv.

  • Peng, Z., He, L., Wen, R., Verguts, T., Seger, C. A., & Chen, Q. (2022). Obsessive-compulsive disorder is characterized by decreased Pavlovian influence on goal-directed instrumental behavior. PLoS Computational Biology.

  • Huycke, P. Lesage, E., Boehler, C. Nico, & Verguts, T. (2022). Computational investigations of learning and synchronization in cognitive control. Journal of Cognition. PsyArXiv version.

  • Liu, M., Dong, W., Wu, Y., Verbeke, P., Verguts, T., & Chen, Q. (2022). Modulating hierarchical learning by high-definition transcranial alternating current stimulation at theta frequency. Cerebral Cortex. BioRxiv version.

  • Desender, K., Vermeylen, L., & Verguts, T. (2022). Dynamic influences on static measures of metacognition. Nature Communications.

  • Senoussi, M., Verbeke, P., Desender, K., De Loof, E., Talsma, D., & Verguts, T. (2022). Theta oscillations shift towards optimal frequency for cognitive control. Nature Human Behaviour. BioRxiv version.

  • Peng, Z., He, T., Ren, P., Jin, L., Yang, Q., Xu, C., … Chen, Q. (2022). Imbalance between the caudate and putamen connectivity in obsessive- compulsive disorder. NeuroImage : Clinical, (55).

  • Calderon, C.B., Verguts, T., & Frank, M. J. (2022). Thunderstruck: The ACDC model of flexible sequences and rhythms in recurrent neural circuits. PLoS: Computational Biology.

  • Senoussi, M., Verbeke, P., & Verguts, T. (2022). Time-based binding as a solution to and a limitation for flexible cognition. Frontiers in Psychology.

  • Verbeke P., & Verguts T. (2022). Using top-down gating to optimally balance shared versus separated task representations. Neural Networks.

  • Liu, M., Dong, W., Qin, S.,Verguts, T., & Chen, Q. (2022). Electrophysiological signatures of hierarchical learning. Cerebral Cortex.


  • Verbeke, P., & Verguts, T. (2021). Neural synchrony for adaptive control. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 33, 2394-2412.

  • Peng, Z., Yang, X., Xu, C., Wu, X., Yang, Q., Wei, Z., … Chen, Q. (2021). Aberrant Rich Club Organization in Patients with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder and Their Unaffected First-Degree Relatives. NeuroImage : Clinical.

  • Peng, Z., Xu, C., Ma, N., Yang, Q., Ren, P., Wen, R., … Chen, Q. (2021). White matter alterations of the goal-directed system in obsessive-compulsive disorder patients and their unaffected first-degree relatives. Biological Psychiatry: Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging.

  • Zhang, S., Verguts, T., Zhang, C., Feng, P., Chen, Q., & Feng, T. (2021). Outcome value and task aversiveness impact task procrastination through separate neural pathways. Cerebral Cortex, 31, 3846-3855.

  • Ergo, K., De Vilder, L., De Loof, E., & Verguts, T. (2021). Reward prediction errors drive declarative learning irrespective of agency. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review.

  • Huycke, P., Verbeke, P., Boehler, C. N., & Verguts, T. (2021). Theta and alpha power across fast and slow timescales in cognitive control. European Journal of Neuroscience.

  • Shahnazian, D., Senoussi, M., Krebs, R. M., Verguts, T., & Holroyd, C. B. (2021). Neural representations of task context and temporal order during action sequence execution. Topics in Cognitive Science.

  • Rasoulzadeh, V., Sahan, M., van Dijck, J.P., Abrahamse, E., Marzecova, A., Verguts, T., & Fias, W. (2021). Spatial attention in serial order working memory: an EEG study. Cerebral Cortex, 31, 2482-2493.

  • Holroyd, C. B., & Verguts, T. (2021). The Best Laid Plans: Computational Principles of Anterior Cingulate Cortex. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 25, 316-329.

  • Calderon, C. B., De Loof, E., Ergo, K., Snoeck, A., Boehler, C. N., & Verguts, T. (2021). Signed Reward Prediction Errors in the Ventral Striatum Drive Episodic Memory. Journal of Neuroscience, 41, 1716-1726.

  • Verbeke, P., Ergo, K., De Loof, E., & Verguts, T. (2021). Learning to synchronize: Midfrontal theta dynamics during reversal learning. Journal of Neuroscience, 41, 1516-1528.

  • Desender, K., Donner, T. H., & Verguts, T. (2021). Dynamic expressions of confidence within an evidence accumulation framework. Cognition (207).

  • Goris, J., Silvetti, M., Verguts, T., Wiersema, J. R., Brass, M., & Braem, S. (2021). Autistic traits are related to worse performance in a volatile reward learning task despite adaptive learning rates. Autism, 25, 440-451.


All papers are available online through the academic bibliography of Ghent University.
The papers associated with our lab can be found by checking Tom’s Biblio page